I used to be adamant that I would absolutely despise an office/admin job. I thought it would be boring to sit in the same spot and stare at the screen, doing god knows what boring tasks every day. But then I was offered a chance to learn the admin at Tahune and my ADHD brain loved it.

I have never been a green thumb. I’ve killed more plants than I dare to admit. Yet, in 2020 I just decided that I wanted house plants, and now I have over 20… and most of them are doing alright.

I didn’t think I would be able to live a day without my husband, let alone try and navigate a future without him by my side. And yet, here I am almost 5 weeks into our separation… still breathing, still smiling, still finding things to be excited about.

So yeah, some things I have thought I’d never do, yet surprisingly have done okay-ish. It kinda makes me wonder what other things I have written off without giving myself a chance to even try.
