
In my quest to live in my full truth, the me I was born to be, one thing I’ve learned has taken me by surprise.

I’m practising trusting and following my gut. Whether it’s speaking how I’m feeling about a particular thing, or whether I’m following a spark - big or small. If I lean toward the nudge, there it goes out into the world and it no longer plagues me.

Tell someone I love them, write a book, paint a concept, create a card deck, speak my desires, call a friend, book a tattoo appointment… you get the picture.

It’s weird, because most of the time these things seem extremely important to me. Almost as if I keep them locked up inside me, I am betraying myself. They simmer and swirl beneath the surface, begging to be set free.

I say it’s weird because every time I gain the courage to speak, or create something, or make a decision, these small fires end up taking on a life of their own and I am no longer burdened by the gravity of them.

I’ve done my part — given my desires, my fears, my needs a voice… and then now they’re free to become whatever it is they are meant to be.

It doesn’t matter what happens next, how or if my wildest dreams materialise, as long as I’ve given them a breath of life. And once they’re out of me… calm follows. A sense of freedom so strong, I don’t care if those dreams come true or not.

I’ve learned that it’s not my job to actually figure out the HOW, it’s only my job to follow the call, one step at a time.

That feels a lot like living in present moment to me.
