
In the last 18 months I’ve done quite a lot of introspection — well, more than usual. I’ve done storyboards like this before, highlighting the “many faces of…” but this time it’s a little different.

Before, I’ve owned parts of me that were only meant to be temporary. I said things like: I’m friendly, I’m non-confrontational, I’m nice, I’m peaceful and forgetful and quirky and creative and quiet and lazy. I claimed it all with acceptance, unapologetic.

Yet lately I’ve realised that it doesn’t quite hit the mark anymore. I don’t want to be a culmination of labels and character traits. I don’t want to be pinpointed. Because most of what they are is to help us take the next step forward in life. Thank you “nice” Dani, you’ve brought me this far, but you can rest now… I don’t need your help anymore.

I want to be able to let go of that which isn’t actually a part of me, and I want to be able to welcome new parts that will do the same until I don’t need them any more. I want to be an upward spiral. I want to be like the tide, in ebb and flow.

I want to be nothing AND all of it.

I am what I am in any given moment.

I am simply, me. Just one face… in all it’s glory.
