
My word of the year was Sacral (like the chakra).

My intention for this word was to help me live in my truth, to listen to my gut, to be creative and in flow, to enjoy and live by “vibe”.

About a quarter of the way in, it really shook me. Because what happens when you practise leaning into your truth? When you are not in your truth, it’s so incredibly obvious!

When I was out of alignment, I could literally feel it in my body.

To explain this in a less vague way, when I would normally remain silent and let things slide - my whole body began to fight it, as though I was betraying myself by not speaking up. I wasn’t used to this… I was used to playing small and keeping my needs and feelings quiet.

Things that fascinated me:

By practising to act/speak on my desires and “gut instincts”, the free-er I felt, and the less I did it, the more constricted and out of sync I felt.

The more I tuned into and became aware of my gut instincts and desires the more they nagged at me.

After I voiced a desire, it didn’t necessarily matter if that desire came to fruition or not — the simple act of releasing it from within gave me peace and sometimes joy.

On the opposite side, if I kept a desire hidden or didn’t act/speak out of fear, it would fester in me like a boiling pot about to spill.

Listening to my gut and acting on it aided my manifestation greatly.

Life feels so much lighter and in flow.

I’m still working on being more true to myself but I’m so amazed and grateful for what I have learned and integrated this year.

Did you have a word of year for 2023? What was it and how did it show up for you?
