
I’m not afraid of the shadows… but am I afraid of the light?

It’s a question worth asking.

Am I afraid to be seen?

Am I afraid to be heard?

Am I afraid of success?

Am I afraid to be happy?

There’s always a counter to each question.

Am I afraid to be seen because I don’t want to be ignored?

Am I afraid to be heard because I don’t want to be misunderstood?

Am I afraid of success because what if I fail?

Am I afraid to be happy because what if I get my heart broken?

A long time ago I got to a point in life where I decided I’d rather risk it all than shy away from good things. The mindset of “It may not work out, so I’ll choose to not even try” stopped making sense to me.

Why not reach for the light instead of denying its existence?

There’s a word for it : self-sabotage.

It comes from preservation and protection. It’s choosing to lose instead of trying and failing. It’s betraying yourself.

Hiding from the light is betraying yourself.

Let’s not do that anymore. Let’s not be afraid of the light, let’s not be afraid to try. There’s nothing wrong with trying anything that feels right for you.

Let’s dare to dream, dare to be seen, to be heard… to be happy.
