
There is a lightness here I can’t explain. Every time I set foot on the property it feels like peace; the world quietens and I can just be. Dan and I joke about it feeling like we are on holiday yet go to work every few days.

But that’s what it actually feels like - we are living a life we don’t need a break from. Our home is the escape.

I keep stopping myself from saying “how’s the serenity?” Because that feels like an Australian joke, but it is no joke.

Time feels slower here. We can potter about, drag our feet, and yet by the end of the day it feels like we’ve done so many productive things. It seems like a juxtaposition but it’s simply the life I’ve always been craving.

My ADHD suits this place, too. I want to get outside and put my bare feet on the ground… to breathe deep and not worry about a thing. And then, do all the things! It’s a flow.

Anyway, all that to say… I’m happy.
