My name is Danielle and I’m so happy you found your way here. It’s obvious we were meant to connect.
My purpose in life is to create from the heart while inspiring others to do the same. It is my utmost hope that by living my truth my creations stir a little something within you. Allow me to use myself and my lessons to convey a message of self-acceptance and love. So that it may give you the freedom to be yourself and to live a fulfilling joyful life.
- EMPOWERMENT DECK : My aim for this tool is that the affirmations will give you the confidence to release the real you into the world. The cards are designed with love and from my own life lessons - from overcoming fear, to finding the calm, to removing guilt, to following dreams. The first deck is releasing soon, with 3 more currently in the works.
- PODCAST: Twice a month I release a podcast episode with what’s been playing in my heart and mind at the time. We delve deep into what it means to be our true selves and address any limiting beliefs that may be holding us back. From spirituality, sisterhood, and setting your true self free.
- COURSES: Courses coming soon!!
- WORDS: I write to show you are not alone. I write to show that you can be whoever the hell you want to be (I'll give you a hint, it's you, just be you). I write to ignite sparks that alight your sense of being. I write to shift (even just a little) the deep rooted belief that you are not good enough. I write to clear the fog in my brain which I hope in turn shakes the fog in yours, and shines a light on the beautiful parts you already possess. I write to push through the superficial film and nestle right into the core. I write to confirm what you already know — there is nothing about you that stops you from being the beautiful human you are. No matter how you feel about yourself — right now, you are exactly who you were meant to be.
I also write to remind you that we are all human. We all have hopes, dreams, hangups, insecurities, and fears. The culmination of what we have experienced, seen, and heard, brings us up to the person we are right now. We are all in this moment, doing the very best we can. Sometimes we just need to give some slack, to ourselves and each other.
I’m a story-teller. I tell stories with photographs and with words. With my pen name, Elle Scott, I am a USA Today Bestselling Author — where I write young adult fiction that stretches reality. What feels like a lifetime ago, I ran a multi-award winning portrait photography business called Dream and Just Believe Photography. I currently shuffle my time between my creative work and my part-time job as an administrative assistant and supervisor at the beautiful Tahune Adventures tourist destination.
I'm extremely idealistic and crave peace... although in saying that, and as cliche as it is, I am an avid fan of keeping it real — imperfections are what makes us human after all.
I’m a mother of two adorable teenagers with exploding personalities. I think I must have done something super great in a past life for them to choose me as their mother in this one!
I love: my silly and fun and kind and good-looking boyfriend, my children, my camera, laughing till I cry, sand in my toes, the scent of vanilla, salt on my food, the colour burgundy, my goofy dog, pretty notebooks, dancing alone, dreaming of travel, sunshine, honeycomb milkshakes, our cute little kitty cats, making people smile, designing house floor plans, fantastical books & movies.
With love,